Handheld Readers and AMR Interfaces

Why Use a Handheld Reader?

A handheld meter reader is a streamlined way for any utility to record new readings for the purpose of billing their customers. Handheld reading systems check the input of the person reading the meter, so if there is a problem with a reading it can be fixed immediately instead of having to recheck later. Having the readings entered into a file also greatly reduces human-error when it comes to reading meters.

Unitech® HT630 Handheld with Route Management™

RVS is pleased to announce the release of our latest version of Route Management™ designed for the Unitech® HT630™ handheld reader. This reading system is designed for those who manually enter readings with a handheld device. Please visit Route Management™ for Unitech for detailed information on this latest release.

Metre-Probe™ by MetrePro®

The Metre-Probe™ is a multi-lingual meter reading terminal which will permit the reading of various electronic meters. It will automatically recognize the meter it is interrogating and is compatible with many meter types - providing a solution to compatibility problems. The Metre-Probe is a touch-read probe that can operate as a stand-alone reader or in conjunction with the Psion® Workabout™. The probe can also be used as a Sensus® "smart gun".

The Metre-Probe™ is designed to be user-friendly with a large display that can show up to 12 digit serial numbers and up to 8 digit reading numbers. It can read the following meter types: Neptune, Sensus, Master Meter, Kent, Hexagram, Hersey, Badger, Pro-link, Precision, and Metron.

Psion® Workabout

We previously offered the Psion® Workabout™ MX handheld reader with our custom route management software, however Psion® has discontinued the Workabout handheld and any related software libraries. Psion® will still perform repairs on the 2MB Workabout MX models as of this writing, but we are no longer able to obtain replacement cables or adapters for these units. We will continue to support our current customers who have these reading units as long as we are able..

Making Mosaics Work with Your AMR System

If you have an existing Automated Meter Reading system or other existing reading system, we offer interface programs to many third-party reading software applications for the purpose of reading meters. Some of the AMR applications we interface with are:

  • Datamatic® FIREFLY
  • Ionware® Boson
  • Itron® MVRS
  • Mueller Systems Hersey® EzReader
  • Neptune® EzRoute and ARB_NSIGHT
  • Radix® UMS
  • Sensus® AutoRead

Please contact us for any further questions regarding handheld readers or AMR interfaces.